VetVise – Using Deep Learning to improve animal health

We are passionate about animal welfare; it’s a non-negotiable foundation for any kind of livestock farming


Meet Johannes, Norman and Jacob – the three founders of the Oldenburg-based start-up VetVise. Norman and Johannes explain how their start-up uses standard camera technology and Deep Learning to analyse livestock. Farmers can then use the app to improve the health of their animals in a more targeted manner; they can see exactly how the animals are doing and whether a particular animal might have a problem.

In addition to the three founders, the start-up now employs several staff and is backed by strong investors. But it wasn’t all plain sailing to get to this point, and the team had to put in a lot of time and energy. Watch our interview to find out how the three of them finally pulled it off.

Discover more exciting start-ups in our start-up series.

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