FragLovis – Sex education for young people

„You can ask anything you want, and be whoever you want to be“


When the three founders Sarah, Antonia and Jana came up with the idea for FragLovis, their goal was to revolutionise sex education for young people.  They have developed a chatbot so that young people can ask questions about sex at any time. This way, young people can get information easily and receive high-quality and age-appropriate content from the team’s sex education specialists.

The Oldenburg-based start-up was founded in 2020 during an innovation camp at the University of Oldenburg. Since then, the founders have set up a non-profit limited company and even managed to win several awards within the space of just one year. They used this prize money to invest in the company’s growth; by 2021 they already had nine employees, all committed to putting their idea into practice.

Watch this interview to find out exactly what FragLovis wants to achieve and to hear about their story so far.

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